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10.15.2022 Take a listen in your car, take a listen in your home, ask your speaker device, go for a workout and get pumped! The STANCE album is OUT! Click here. 09.19.2022 Announcing the official release date of Tabi's second studio album Stance! Mark your calendars for Saturday October 15th 2022 and the album launch party at Bar 135 on October 18 6:30pm! 09.07.2022 Stoked to be part of New York Fashion Week Double Take show, described in the recent Vogue magazine article here. Live stream the fashion show here. 07.13.2022  Tabi is featured in her local press Tribeca Citizen, check out the article here! 04.30.2022 Tabi just recorded her second studio album.  It's currently in the mixing phase and it will be released in the fall. In the meantime check out behind-the-scenes footage of the recording her Facebook and Instagram! 01.26.2022 Tabi is hot in the press! Click here to find mentions in new articles from Billboard, The Hollywood Reporter, and Built In 01.21.2022 Today is the day! Please tune into the event at 5 PM EST and speak to Tabi in the YouTube chat! Tabi is over the moon excited to see her name included in a Billboard article about RAMPD and excited that one of her favorite songwriters Anna Nalick posted about Tabi and RAMPD on her social media here. 01.15.2022 Tabi invites you to join the RAMPD [Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities] launch party streaming virtually for free to the public on January 21 at 5 PM EST.  Please save the date and use the event link on 11.26.2021 Tune in on International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021 - Friday December 3 - to see Tabi speak at a United Nations Panel Discussion and sing at Philly's Disability Pride Cabaret Concert. 10.01.2021 Channel HLN aired the feature story about Tabi on tv!  Also check out Tabi's playlist of disabled indie musicians. 04.30.2021 I'm on CNN's​ The Human Factor! 03.13.2021 Tabi released another new single THRESHOLD.   Check it out.  02.13.2021 Tabi just released a long awaited single WITNESS.   Check it out.  07.26.2020 Tune into the remarkable Gaelynn Lea's online concert Sunday, July 26 in honor of the Americans With Disabilities Act’s 30th anniversary featuring artists with disabilities including me!  The streaming link is here. I'm also in the New York Times' list of 25 Ways to learn about disability culture. 04.21.2020 Check me out live streaming on Instagram starting at 9 PM tonight EST.   02.21.2020 New year and a lot of new news!  Tabi will be back in the studio in early March.  Tabi will be performing again at the Pace Disability Film Festival on March 30th.  Also, check out the new merchandise page! 11.04.2019 The official music video New Day is out!  Please check it out here. ​ 09.04.2019 Tabi will be returning to Mercury Lounge on Sunday October 27 at 6pm, opening for NPR Tiny Desk's Gaelynn Lea!  Get tickets here. 08.01.2019 The official music video I Am Able is out!  Please check it out here. 05.06.2019 Tabi is featured on Life on the Slow Lane, a disability and lifetyle blog.  Please check out the interview here and album review here. 04.01.2019 Tabi had an unforgettable time at Pace University''s Disability Film and Music Festival!  Check out Tabi's social media for clips! 01.19.2019 Tabi's Album "I Wrote Life" is available now!  Click here. 12.29.2018 You can now Pre-order my album on iTunes and download Good Lover NOW! You can also preview Every track.  The full digital (Spotify, AppleMusic) and physical release (CD on Amazon) will be on Saturday Jan 19, 2019! 11.23.2018 IT'S OFFICIAL - Tabi's  Album Release Party will be on 1.19.19.  Paul Costabile will  be hosting, there will be opening performances, and a special show by Tabi and her band! Get tix here. 09.16.2018 Tabi recorded at NYU Dolan studio and is ecstatic! This is going to contribute with her song recordings.  We are on our way to my first ever studio album and continuing to record next month at Dubway studios. Please consider being a part of this! 07.14.2018 Please check out Tabi on 4 Wheel City's new album SPIRITUAL in a track called Music! This is Tabi's first time being featured, and these hip hop artists are making changes at the White House for accessibility and anti-gun violence and they have collaborated with Snoop Dogg.  Tabi is still raising funds for her first studio album ever, so please head over to the DONATE page to contribute to her dream! 03.15.2018 Did you know Tabi graduated Summa Cum Laude in Computer Science with a minor in Music and Math?  Tabi is excited to be a Distinguished Panelist and a performer with her band at her Alma mater Pace University.  Please join this FREE event at Pace University's Disability Film Festival!  Tuesday March 20th from 4-9pm.  Details here. 01.02.2018 New year, new show!  Come see Tabi at the rockin' Arlene's Grocery!  Unlike ever before, see Tabi and band perform a full rock show that will get you hyped!  Tix available here. 11.10.2017 There's been a lot of press about Tabi and she is thankful. From J.P. Morgan Chase, Tabi was featured on their brand's public website, at Chase bank branches, and at The Atlantic - showing diversity and inclusion for people with disabilities in the workplace.  She has also been featured at the pioneer consumer directed home health agency COINY at their annual gala, website, and YouTube channel.   09.09.2017 Tabi had an OVERSOLD out show at Rockwood Music Hall!  What's next?  Tabi is going to make an album with Grammy Award-winning producer Malcolm Burn.  Please contribute to this dream on the DONATE page.  07.11.2017 This is a big one y'all!  Tabi at Rockwood Music Hall on Saturday, August 5th @ 8PM.  $10 tix available here.  New songs, always groovy, show some love. 04.11.2017 Join An Evening with Tabi, a show at Fancy Free Gift Shop which offers employment opportunities for differently-abled people!  Thursday May 4th - Doors 6pm/Show 7pm - with Fabian and Michael.  Also, check out Tabi performing "I Am Able" on BronxNet Television.   08.25.2016 Tabi will be singing the National Anthem and a new song she is writing called "I Am Able" at the MDA Muscle Walk on Sunday September 18 in Flushing Meadow Park, Queens.  Donate if you can! 07.26.2016 Tabi is featured in a photo by the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities!  Check out Accessible NYC and the plans to improve New York City for people with disabilities. 05.10.2016 What an exciting show for Tabi, Miles, and Fabian at the Sidewalk Café. In case you missed it, check out the videos here. Mark your calendars for Tabi's next performance - an appearance at the second annual NYC Disability Pride Parade on July 10! 04.19.2016 Tabi had a successful debut at NYPL - it was a big audience and Tabi was surprised that popular singer-songwriter Christina Perri came to watch her show!  Tabi's next show is Saturday May 7 @ 5:30PM @ Sidewalk Cafe. 03.20.2016 See Tabi perform at the New York Public Library for the first time on Wednesday April 13 @ 6:45PM! Details here. 10.23.2015 Tabi's song "Risk Losing You" with Miles Machon is available for $0.99 download on iTunes and free streaming on Spotify!  Tabi just had an engaging performance at Leftfield Bar.  Her next performance will be at 17 Frost St in Brooklyn, Saturday November 28th @ 8PM, Troubadours of Brooklyn (Click for tix). 09.28.2015 Tabi met Chip Esten and Jonathan Jackson from the TV show Nashville. Watch Chip dance with Tabi here.  Faves were Chip's "We Are America" and Jonathan's "Everything is Possible".  Chip & Jonathan, please check out "Move A Muscle" and "I Won't Hide".  Also save the date everyone! On Saturday November 28th @ 8PM, Tabi will be the opening act in Troubadours of Brooklyn @ 17 Frost. 07.13.2015 Tabi had a wonderful day at the disability pride parade in New York City!  Check out video clips on her YouTube channel to see her performance and interview! 06.30.2015 Please join Tabi on July 12th in celebrating the ADA's 25th anniversary at the first annual Disability Pride Parade in NYC!  She will be marching and performing original songs.  Details: 06.04.2015 Tabi's recovered and her appearance at The Bitter End has been scheduled for Sunday August 9 @ 8PM.  SAVE THE DATE for joining in the celebration of new songs and new styles! 01.20.2015 Exciting news can come in pairs!  Tabi's show at The Bitter End Sunday February 15 is official and Miles Machon has recorded a beautiful rendition of "I Won't Hide". 12.17.2014 It's Christmas time!  Check out my original Christmas song, "Only Good".  And save the date...Feb 15 @ 7PM @ The Bitter End. 10.25.2014 New songs have been posted on the audio page. 04.05.2014 Hooray for the annual MDA Muscle Walk!  My Feisty Fighters team raised over $6,000.  I brought volunteers to help at this event.   And I performed I Wrote Life and Make A Muscle!  The Muscle Walk is deemed the MDA FAMILY REUNION. It honors the money raised for adults and children with any of the more than 40 muscle diseases.

See news about Tabi via her MEMORY game

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